About Us
Goldfinch Project Services Ltd are a surveying practice who specialise in providing high calibre commercial services to the construction industry.
The services Goldfinch Project Services Ltd provides to sub-contractors are divided into four key business functions, all of which are of
paramount importance in the current economic climate.
Business Management
Work opportunities within the current market place are very limited therefore it is essential good business practice is followed,
ensuring companies survive and expand by making the most of every suitable work opportunity. By combining our commercial
business knowledge with your technical and entrepreneurial expertise Goldfinch Project Services Ltd will provide all necessary support and
guidance to enable your business to:
- Secure more work by focusing on every detail of each and every tendered and negotiated opportunity
Present itself in an exceptional manner to respective clients by addressing their needs and demonstrating you are the best
business available to work with - Demonstrate you will add value to their business enabling them to secure more work and deliver to their clients
Drive efficiencies into your company to ensure your cost base is as low as possible without compromising the quality of service
provided, preventing future growth or inhibiting staff development -
Understand each tender opportunity to provide winning bids with the comfort that adequate cost recovery is assured without
jeopardising the opportunity for repeat business.
Goldfinch Project Services Ltd’s extensive knowledge of main contractors means we understand their requirements and also what makes a sub-contractor
appealing to use. By ensuring your approach matches these requirements you will get more tender opportunities to price.
By undertaking risk and opportunity analysis of the tender opportunities you obtain Goldfinch advise and assist in strategic
pricing and presentation to ensure you secure projects and subsequently make a profit.
Commercial Support Services
It is now accepted by most responsible and astute contractors within the construction industry that sub-contractors are entitled
to make a fair profit for the work they deliver. It is acknowledged that profitable sub-contractors are safe, effective
and deliver to their programme requirements.
Goldfinch Project Services Ltd will provide you with the necessary support, guidance and practical hands on service to ensure your business increases
the profitability of its secured work. Results will be achieved without affecting the good working relationships you
currently enjoy with your clients.
Cashflow is the other essential commercial element to the success of a business. Goldfinch Project Services Ltd will help you to implement valuations
in a timely manner which are accurate, detailed, and comprehensive to assist the main contractor with their obligations.
Your business can maintain healthy cash flow and profitability by ensuring
you get paid for what you do when you do it.
We are not claim consultants and do not advocate the preparation of claims as generally no party ever “wins” and the outcome
results in bad feeling. We pride ourselves on being able to generate increased and improved revenue for you without resorting
to this course of action. However, should you need support in this area we do have the specialist knowledge to provide
appropriate resources.
Training & Documentation
Sub-contractors will only succeed in their business objectives with managers and supervisors who are fully informed about
the key obligations of the current contract. Many thousands of pounds are lost each year through poor commercial administration
on sites which could be easily addressed through concise and simple to understand commercial briefings to site managers
and supervisors.
Goldfinch Project Services Ltd briefings are concise, cost effective and specifically written for each individual project, they will significantly
improve profitability if correctly utilised by your site team. We can also follow up briefings with reviews and refresher
sessions during the course of longer projects.
Coupled with the benefits of training we can also offer a suite of bespoke documents for use by your managers and supervisors.
These will assist in the day to day running of the site which can be used to aid commercial recovery and ensure that
fair payment of your applications is achieved.
How much of your businesses money is tied up in outstanding retentions? Retentions are often simply forgotten about or driven
to a low priority by current workload and other priorities. Often best efforts to obtain retentions are hampered by a
lack of response and interest by the parties holding the monies. We are conscious of the need to obtain these monies
but not compromising your relationships with potential future clients in doing so.
It is imperative that swift and effective action is taken, as under law you will be time barred from claiming monies due
to you if you do not take action within the correct time frame.
The commercial service Goldfinch Project Services Ltd provides is completely flexible and can be adjusted to suit your exact business needs at
any given time. Our service provides value for money and delivers demonstrable evidence that we make your business more
profitable without compromising the client relationships you have worked so hard to achieve.